

在玛丽·苏·博克-杨迷宫的宁静中散步和冥想.  Originally Dedicated on October 4, 2021年,玛丽·苏·杨,并于7月12日退休, 2014年,随着迷宫场地的演变和完成.

A labyrinth is not a maze, 而是一个步行的冥想,有一条蜿蜒的小路从边缘到中心,然后再回来. Walking a labyrinth can clear the mind, calm anxieties, promote wellness, and enhance creativity, and lead to personal annd spiritual growth.

A maze or a labyrinth? What’s the difference?


A maze, by its very nature, has multiple entrances, any of which could lead to a solution, most of which instead lead to dead ends. 他们有时会自娱自乐,有时会对别人感到沮丧,有时会发出一声“啊哈”!一刻,自我祝贺地拍了拍后背,然后什么也没有. Over! Kaput! Done that! No need to revisit. I already know the solution.  In short, they sometimes mimic life, 因为人们经常面对困难的任务,有多种可能的解决方案,然后找到一个适合他们的感觉很好. Then life goes on. 通常任务和解决方案都是无意义的,只是在日常工作中生存的短暂部分.

几千年来,人类一直在寻找自身存在的深层意义, ever since they discovered the word why. To discover the why 生活不仅仅是迷宫所代表的试错.  人类试图以象征的方式来表达对答案的追求. Circles and paths seem to work best. 因此就有了迷宫——一条被围在圆圈里的生命之路, a human‘s physical, emotional, 而精神生命的旅程被困在人类生存的圈子里, made up of our body and its passions, our environment, 我们周围的关系圈.

通常呈圆形,与曼陀罗有关, they circumscribe life itself, mimicking the shape of the sun, the source of all life, but also encompassing our own hidden being.  一个人进入这个圈子是为了开悟, for spiritual calming, healing, for self-discovery perhaps. The labyrinth has but one entrance, like life itself, 以及一系列必须跨越的垫脚石, one at a time, 在一条明确而曲折的道路上——就像生活本身——提醒那些走路的人,如果我们把一只脚放在另一只脚的前面, we can find our inner being, the very center of our nature, the spiritual, moral, 让我们在生活中站稳脚跟的情感指南针, meaning when faced with mystery, 解决我们周围复杂事物的方法.

But to achieve all that, one needs to begin the walk, alone, in quiet meditation, 在一个严肃的追求情感和智力的平衡,平静和抚慰那些面对变幻莫测的生活. No shortcuts allowed! Stay on the path. 走路的时候闭上眼睛,如果你愿意的话,仍然要相信这条路会通向某个地方. You ARE there. 你可以找到你的自我——即使被困在生活的许多圈子里:我们的家庭圈子里, friends, and acquaintances, of work, play, and organizations to which we belong.  即使有时感觉我们只是在原地打转, 走迷宫可以作为一种检查, an escape from the outside to the inward, 从思考我们的精神目标到审视我们灵魂在生命轮回中徘徊的状态.

In walking a labyrinth, 意识到某些模式可以帮助你实现你所追求的一切. Take the first step.  There, you have been born.  同样,生命本身也不是静止的,而是需要能量的. So get moving; follow the path intuitively, not like a maze which requires rationality.  带着盲目的信念行走,没有选择,却总是确信前方有一个中心. There are no intersections in the path, only turns, 总是超过中心点,但逐渐向内. 在迷宫里转七圈意味着治愈, spiritual progress, reconciliation with self or others. 所以让自己慢慢地摆脱伤害, the fears, the anxieties arising from relationships, the outside noise of life. Slowly, 逐渐向内漫游,走向精神上的宁静, a calmness, 体验包围着你的恩典之触碰.

在中心,暂停,祈祷,冥想,或者当你体验你的自我时做任何其他事情.  有些人流下了眼泪——当感觉到伤口愈合时,这种情况并不罕见.  另一些人则笑着感受一种解脱,不管是什么把他们带到迷宫里. 许多人只是敬畏地站着一会儿,去感受悲伤, disappointment, fears, betrayals, pain that have engulfed them melt away.  Then slowly they back away, relieved, 当他们走出迷宫重获新生时,把行李留在中心, outside the circle, 跟进来的人不是一个人.

A labyrinth is meant to be experienced, not explained, to open the heart rather than the mind, 激发情感而不是想象. 如果你发现自己被散步所吸引,但不知道为什么,那就走吧.  这是一个神圣的地方,神圣的事件无需解释. Just do it; take a chance.  如果这意味着什么,那就经常回来.  迷宫有时也被称为“室外大教堂”或“无墙大教堂”.如果这种宗教感觉对你有用,那就这样吧.  如果你更适应东方的做法, 也许你会把迷宫看作是一种曼陀罗, 象征着你神圣的旅程,从一个不洁的外部世界到一个涅槃与和平的地方, 你自我实现和纯洁的保护区域.

However, you experience your labyrinthian walk, know that this space is sacred, 这不仅仅是为了纪念那些在这里被纪念的人,也是为了纪念你们.  当我们找到这些地方并按照最初的意图使用它们时, 我们进入了一个延续了几千年的传统, one of a personal quest. Here, 周围是宁静的草地和美丽的森林,树木雄伟, by gentle mounds and rocks of yin and yang, 要知道你有一个可以随时来休息的空间, discovery, enlightenment, and renovation. Enjoy the journey.

Updated: 12/05/2022 05:09PM