

费用:所有课程12美元.00 (if additional fees are required that will be noted in the course description)

Wednesdays, beginning, January 24 10am – 11am  IN PERSON This is a FREE class
Sari Kelley -本课程将以BGSU的《博天堂官方网站》为特色, 妈妈和我, 作者Putsata Reang. The author will be visiting the BGSU Firelands campus on Wednesday, April 3.

玛丽单 & Monty Kaufman -本课将介绍湖中较小的岛屿. 它将介绍他们的历史和名字的由来. 它们是如何在冰川时代形成的?

2024年2月9日星期五上午10点至下午12点 & 在线
Kari阿诺德 & Kyle Brubaker – This course covers the following: what a consumer should expect, 一个有意义的葬礼的价值, 火葬的选项, 常见的误解, 面对医疗补助/长期护理时的决定, 私人保险vs. pre-paid burial contracts, financial and emotional benefits of advance funeral planning, and a Q&一个可以涵盖与会者任何兴趣的会议.

Rob Kozar – An examination of “Artificial Intelligence” framed by the questions: (a) what do we mean by “artificial” (i.e. “计算?”); (b) what is (human) intelligence?.  演讲结束后, scholars are encouraged to bring their devices to the AI petting zoo to learn how to access ChatGPT and other generative AI on their devices, 或者只是与一个或多个AI互动.  参加“人工智能宠物动物园”的时间可能会延长到下午1:00.m.

2024年2月23日星期五上午11点至下午12点 & 在线
约翰·布莱克曼:我们在电线杆上看到它们, 栅栏, 或者有时我们忽略了他们的存在, 然而他们就在那里! 他们是怎么做的? 也许我们认为它们是大鸟,但这是真的吗? The hidden lives of these birds will be revealed in this class with stories and photos.

Rob Kozar – Generative Artificial Intelligence has captured the world's imagination since the debut of chatGPT in November of 2022. But how do such Large Language Models (LLMs) compose their responses to human prompting? This course will attempt to provide an accessible conceptual introduction to LLMs and explore whether they are "thinking" in the way that humans "think."

2024年3月8日星期五下午12点至下午2点 & 在线
Lisa Fisher – This course examines technology and social change from a sociological and social psychological perspective. It explores ideas about technology and technological advance as aspects of culture.

马修·多纳休博士,我们说的不是独立战争! No, we are talking about the music that began with the Beatles and kept coming to America!

2024年3月19日星期二上午11点至下午12点 & 在线
乔恩·卡佛, MA – This class will explore the roots of the creation of the State of Israel from the settlements of WWI up through the Holocaust of WWII. We will also explore the disruption of the Arabic and Muslim Middle East created by the settlements of WWI and the interference of the British and French in the Middle East from 1919 until the formation of Israel in 1948.

2024年3月21日,星期四,上午11点-下午12点 & 在线
乔恩·卡佛, MA -本课程将探讨这种破坏, 冲突, 以及1948年以色列建国引发的战争. 我们还将探讨1948年的战争, 1967, and the Yom Kippur War in order to address the 冲突 created between Muslim Arabs and 巴勒斯坦人 and the nation of Israel. 此外, we will explore the Cold War roles of both the Soviet Union and 美国 from 1948 to the present day.

2024年3月22日星期五上午11点至下午12点 & 在线

乔恩·卡佛, 马:我们将探讨当前中东局势, including all the major stakeholders and the interests and actions taken by both sides in the current fighting in the Middle East. 我们将探讨以色列目前的政策, 美国, 巴勒斯坦人, 激进的穆斯林, 俄罗斯人, and the other governments in the region in order to attempt to empathize with all the parties involved.

2024年3月27日(星期三)下午1:30 - 3:30
苏·多尔蒂,凯伦·沃尔德扎克, & 面板-大可怕的谈话?
Real life people will share the problems and solutions as we approach our end of life. 谁来管理我们的事务并在危机中支付账单? 恐惧是什么,为什么我们都害怕? 真的是关于可怕的养老院吗?

克里斯蒂娜·史密斯 & 凯文·摩尔——奇怪的事情正在七叶树州发生! 穿过小镇, 城市, 、县, 有关于生物的博天堂官方, 鬼魂, 以及其他无法解释的现象. In this class get ready to meet those 鬼魂 and scary creatures, eyeball to eyeball!

温莎王室的男男女女, Part 1 - Queen Elizabeth II’s parents: King 乔治六世 and Queen Elizabeth (Bowes-Lyon)
特蕾莎修女Marano, 博士-乔治六世, “不情愿的国王”,当他的弟弟继承王位时, 爱德华八世, 退位结婚两次离过婚, 华丽斯·辛普森. 乔治六世, 更广为人知的名字是阿尔伯特, 与伊丽莎白·鲍斯-里昂结婚, and together along with their two daughters assisted the British people during the turbulent times of the late 30s and 40s. The early death of Bertie moved Elizabeth II on to the throne and the “Queen Mum” became the “grandmother” of the British nation for the next 50 years.

2024年4月12日(周五)上午11点至下午12点 & 在线
查克colletta, 博士——记住这个科幻小说, the beginnings of a whole series of "Science/Space” stories for TV and Movies? Dr. Coletta has all the information, pictures, and insight into this original thriller. 在罗德·塞林的主持下,他成为了这些惊悚小说的杰出作家. 了解这个人隐藏的事实,他的根源如此接近家乡.

温莎王室的男男女女, 第二部分-女王伊丽莎白二世的妹妹, 玛格丽特公主和丈夫, 菲利普亲王
特蕾莎修女Marano, 博士-玛格丽特公主, 乔治六世国王和女王母亲的第二个孩子, 女王伊丽莎白二世的妹妹, 挣扎着寻找真爱, 幸福, 并在她姐姐的王室中占有一席之地. 她与丈夫安东尼·阿姆斯特朗-琼斯结婚前后的生活, 他们的孩子, 她奢侈的生活方式, 她的死将会被调查. Once Elizabeth met Philip in 1934 their friendship led to a marriage that lasted 73 years. Their marriage produced four 孩子们 and endured the ups and downs of the monarchy in Great Britain and the Commonwealth. The loss of Philip’s military career after Elizabeth’s coronation saw Philip struggle to find a “new” career path within the confines of Monarchy.

温莎王室的男男女女, 第三部分-女王伊丽莎白二世的孩子:国王查理三世, 安妮公主, 安德鲁王子和爱德华王子
特蕾莎修女Marano, PhD – Charles III was the longest serving Prince of Wales to become King. 他动荡的第一段婚姻, 他的婚外情, and his support of offbeat causes sometimes have exposed the Monarchy to public scrutiny and placed him at odds within his family. Since Queen Elizabeth II’s death, the world has watched as Charles has evolved from Prince to King. 安妮公主 withstood a kidnapping plot and two marriages to become the “hardest working” of the Windsor family. 安德鲁王子结婚了, 孩子们, and a military career but his activities after joining the “Firm” have brought increased scrutiny for the immoral and illegal aspects of those activities. 爱德华王子, the youngest in the family struggled to find a role in the entertainment field but eventually he and his wife joined to the “Firm” traveling to foreign locations to aid the Monarchy abroad and in sponsoring various health and community charities for the youth and aged populations of Great Britain.

2024年5月7日星期二下午1点至下午3点 & 在线
Jennifer Ashburn – This course will integrate pattern poetry with Sandusky's Black historical churches, 纪念碑, 和传记. 了解桑达斯基的黑人过去并分享一些诗歌. 你也将有机会在课堂上写一首诗.

